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Board of Directors

President- Oversees the entire organization, which includes Spring, Travel and Fall Seasons.  He/She will schedule all monthly and general meetings.  He/she will appoint all committees.  He/she will make decisions on cancelling games.  He/she will assist all other  Board members as needed. 
Vice President-  In the absence of the President, or when requested to do so by the President, shall assume the duties of the President.  He/she will be responsible for organizing along with the with President, the Fall, Travel and Spring Seasons.  He/she will also assist all other Board members as needed.
Secretary-Records and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Organization and the Board of Directors.  Keep a current list of the names and addresses of all players.  Conduct all official correspondence of the organization, contact and send letters to sponsors.  Maintain a file of all documents and papers of the organization.  Inform all Board of Directors of all regularly scheduled and special meetings.

Treasurer- Maintain current records of all financial standings of the organization.  Pay bill approved by the Board of Directors and all bills owed by the organization.  Submit a report of the financial standing of the Organization at each general meeting.

Division Directors-  Assist at registration time, keep all coaches in their division informed.  Handle day to day problems if they occur.  Help direct try outs for their division.  Assist player rep in the team assignment or draft.  Keep VP informed of all divisional activities and meetings.

Equipment/Uniforms- Responsible for all uniforms and player equipment, upon board approval, purchaser of uniforms, equipment and trophies.

Fundraising Director-Oversees all fundraising, handles raffle ticket distribution and collection, keeps track of sales by individuals and teams. Chairs special fundraising events.

Player Director-  Assigns players and directs drafts,handles any problems concerning players and or parents of all divisions.

Field Director-Responsible for the field maintenance, preparation and use.
The key person for the development and improvements of the fields.  Oversees maintenance of all field equipment.

Concession Director-Responsible for overseeing and managing the general operation of the concession stand.


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