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Apponaug Girls Softball

Article I – Name

1.       This organization shall be known as the Apponaug Girls’ Softball Inc. and shall be a non-profit corporation.

2.       The mailing address of the association shall be designated by the Board of Directors after each election.

Article II – Aims and Purposes

1.       To encourage and publicize the game of softball in the City of Warwick and the State of Rhode Island.

2.       To provide an opportunity for youths regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin or ancestry to participate in the organized, supervised team play of softball, and in connection therewith to form, direct, and manage individual softball teams in the City of Warwick, Rhode Island.

3.       To implant firmly in all participants of this association the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, safety, and fun.

Article III – Membership

1.       Any adult subscribing to the aims and purposes of this Organization, who is a head coach, assistant coach, scorekeeper or other helper of a recreation team may become a member.

2.       Any adult subscribing to the aims and purposes of this organization who is a head coach, assistant coach or scorekeeper of a regular season recreation team (maximum of four per team), or Board of Director may be a voting member. A coach who is also a Director or coaches on more than one team is entitled to only one (1) vote. A coach who is absent will have no vote.

3.       All softball players who are members of teams formed under Apponaug Girls’ softball supervision shall, upon payment of their  registration fees (which amount shall be determined by the Board of Directors), shall become playing members of the Apponaug Girls’ Softball.

4.       Any individual person or player who is a member of this organization may have his/her membership revoked as a special membership meeting by a majority vote of the membership, 51% in attendance.

Article IV – Government and officers

1.       The organization shall have the following officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

2.       The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint all committees. The President shall be a member of all committees except the nominating committee. The President makes decisions on cancelling games. The President assists other Board of Directors as needed.

3.       The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, or when requested to do so by the President, shall assume the duties of the President. The Vice-President shall also insure that all business transactions of the organization are in full compliance with these BY-LAWS and within the aims and purposes of this organization. The Vice-President is responsible for the ALL-STAR selection. The Vice-President assists other Board of Directors as needed.

4.       It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

a.       Record and keep the minutes of all meetings of the organization and Board of Directors.

b.      Keep a current list of the names and addresses of all members of the organization.

c.       Conduct all official correspondence of the organization. Contact and send letters to Sponsors – New and Old.

d.      Maintain a file of all documents and papers of the organization.

e.       Inform the members and/or Board of Directors of all regularly scheduled and special meetings.

f.        Maintain the Charter (BY-LAWS), government requirements, rules, etc.

g.      Chair the sponsorship committee.

5.       It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:

a.       Collect all money due the organization, and to deposit such funds in the name of and to the credit of this organization in such banks as, in the treasurer’s judgement, is proper, or as shall be directed by the Board of Directors.

b.      Have the authority to deny any financial obligation made on behalf of the league by any officer or Board of Director if the Treasurer deems the expenditure to be excessive. The aforementioned expenditure must be reviewed at the next regularly or specially called meeting of the Board of Directors or general meeting as the Treasurer deems necessary.

c.       Pay, upon approval of and in a manner designated by the Board of Directors, all bills owed by the organization.

d.      Maintain current records of all financial standing of the organization.

e.       Submit a report of the financial standing of the organization at each regular meeting, or at any time that such a report is asked for by the Board of Directors.

Article V – meetings

1.       The President shall be required to call at least two general membership meetings each year.

a.       The Annual Meeting for the purpose of electing a new slate of officers and Board of Directors shall be held in September. The term of the office shall be October 1 thru September 30.

2.       The President may call additional special membership meetings by their own initiative as they see a need for them.

3.       The President shall be required to call special membership meetings within 10 days after ten or more members request such a meeting. Written notice of such meeting, including the agenda, shall be delivered to each member’s residence at least three days prior to the date of such meeting.

4.       The President may call Board of Directors meetings by the President’s own initiative as the President sees the need for them.

5.       The President shall be required to Call a Board of Directors meeting when three or more members of the Board of Directors request such a meeting.

6.       During all meetings the Roberts Rules of Order shall resolve all controversies over parliamentary procedure.

7.       Eleven (11) members or 75% of the total membership, whichever is lesser, shall constitute a quorum at all regular or special membership meetings for the transaction of business for the organization, providing all members have been notified prior to the meeting.

Article VI - Board of Directors

1)      The Board of Directors (Board) shall be the governing body of this organization. It shall have the full power to transact all business for the organization that falls within the scope and purpose of the organization unless otherwise noted.

2)      All communications sent to the organization shall be presented in writing to the Secretary, who in turn shall present them to the Board.

3)      The Board shall consist of the officers of the organization, the Past President, and the following elected positions:


i)        Responsible for scheduling

ii)      Oversees game schedules; instructional, minor, major, senior

iii)   Assigns practice field Schedules makeup games

iv)    Other duties as assigned

b)     Division Director – Master

c)     Division Director – Senior

d)    Division Director – Major

e)     Division Director – Minor

f)      Division Director – Instructional

i)      Keeps all coaches informed of rules and procedures

ii)     Responsible for rules meeting in that Division

iii)    Handles day to day problems within the division (large problems to be brought to Board)

iv)    Directs tryouts for the Division, when applicable

v)     Directs team assignment for division

vi)    Keeps the President informed of all Division activities and meetings

g)     Director of Uniforms and Equipment (2):

i)      Responsible for uniforms and equipment; Maintains hitting facility; Keeps uniforms and equipment for the league; oversees repairs and minor replacements as necessary; upon Board approval purchases uniforms and equipment; Upon Board approval purchases all trophies and awards

h)    Director of Fundraising

i)     Oversees all fundraising; Keeps track of fundraising by individual and by team; Chairs special fundraising event committees

i)     Player Representative (using personal computer):

i)     Responsible for all player information and roster; Keeps, processes all player information, compiles, issues, and keeps up to date all rosters including all-starts; receives rosters from division directors and updates database; Responsible for managing joint registrations.

j)     Field Director:

i)        Responsible for field maintenance, preparation and use; Key person for the developments and improvements to fields; Oversees cleanup and preparation; Oversees maintenance and equipment

k)    Assistant Field Director:

i)        Assists Field Director in the preparation, maintenance, and cleanup of fields. To assist in care and maintenance of equipment. And in the absence of the Field Director, to assume all responsibilities. 


i)        Responsible for overseeing and managing the general operation of the concession stand.

m)   Building Director: Responsible for building maintenance including but not limited to water, electrical, plumbing, telephone, and alarm systems; the structure itself; opening the building in the spring and closing in the fall; ensuring compliance with all laws, codes, regulations and ordinances, etc. Coordinate activities with Field and Concession Directors as needed.

4)       Eight (8) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

5)      The officer of the organization shall also be officers of the Board of Directors.

6)      If, for any cause, there shall be a vacancy on the Board, or any of the officers of the organization, the Board shall by nomination and election, fill each vacancy for the unexpired term.


1)      Each year the President of the organization shall, soon after the election, appoint not fewer than two (2) members of the organization to serve on any or all of the following standing committee.

a)    By-Laws

b)    Finance

2)    All standing committees shall work with the Board or designated assistants.

3)    The President shall appoint additional committees as the President deems necessary.

Article VIII – Elections

1)      Two weeks before the annual meeting at which elections are held, the Secretary will solicit nominations, via email, for elected office from members of the organization. The names of those people shall who wish to run will be placed on a ballot for each office with sufficient space for additional nominations to be added at the election meeting.

2)      Each voting member will cast one ballot in the election. A Board member who is also a coach is allowed only one (1) vote. After the four officers are elected a vote for the remaining board members will be taken, again with nominations accepted from the floor.

3)      A plurality vote of the voting members of the organization shall elect each officer and Board of Director.

4)      Each officer, as well as each Board position, is to be elected each year: the offices of President, Vice President, and Treasurer not to exceed three years in succession, unless approved by a 2/3 vote of members present at elections. After this approval his/her name is placed on the ballot.

Article IX – Amendments to the By-Laws

1)      These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the organization, duly called, by a 2/3 vote of ballots cast, provided that any and all changes to be voted upon have been delivered, in writing, at the previous general meeting.

Article X – Miscelllaneous

1)      All checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money issued in the name of, or payable to the organization, shall be signed or endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as, from time to time, shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.

2)      An internal audit will be done every year on Apponaug Girls Softball Financial Records by the Finance Committee.

Article XI – Coaches

1)      Coaches must be a member of the organization and approved by the Board of Directors.

2)      A member may be removed as a coach for just cause by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

3)      Coaches wishing to move from one Division to another must be approved by the Board of Directors.



By-Laws Revised by 2/3 vote on 1/22/1997

By-Laws Revised by unanimous electronic vote conducted March 21, 2018 – March 30, 2018

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